New Zealand Predator Free 2050

Tag: New Zealand Predator Free 2050

Restoring New Zealand’s Biodiversity

It only took humans a few hundred years to decimate New Zealand’s biodiversity, but conservation initiatives could save the remaining species. New Zealand’s native wildlife and biodiversity serve as a prime example of the impacts humans have had on island ecosystems around the world. The island nation took millions of years to evolve its unique […]

Written by on March 18, 2020

Biosecurity—Protecting the Bay of Islands

Ongoing biosecurity measures have protected the Bay of Islands for 10 years and ensured that no invasive species establish a population which would threaten native wildlife. New Zealand is no stranger to the threat invasive species pose to island wildlife. In fact, New Zealand’s Predator Free 2050 initiative is aimed at preventing extinction through the […]

Written by on July 19, 2019

A Tale of Two Rails: The Pūkeko and the Takahē

Two species of New Zealand’s rails reveal the inherent threats island species face after thousands of years of predator-free evolution. Island species are well known for having unusual traits. Amongst them are flightless, nocturnal birds, giant insects, and species that take decades to mature. But how can a difference in evolutionary time periods affect these […]

Written by on September 17, 2018

Antipodes Island and the Successful Million Dollar Mouse Project

Watch the transformation of Antipodes Island as the New Zealand Department of Conservation shares the complexities and successes of the Million Dollar Mouse Project. On the Sub-antarctic Island of Antipodes, invasive mice were the only introduced predators and their presence was considered by conservationists and researchers to be a threat to native and endemic species. […]

Written by on September 12, 2018

New Zealand Government Launches Ambitious Restoration Program

New Zealand’s goal to become Predator Free by 2050 is underway, and one of the first places to benefit from restoration efforts will be Auckland Island. Invasive predators have devastated wildlife and plants on the island. They were introduced to the island from expeditions and shipwrecks and since arriving, the invasive mice, feral cats, and […]

Written by on July 11, 2018

Government Grants $11 Million for Taranaki Predator Control

Ambitious plan to make Taranaki the first predator-free region in New Zealand gets a huge kick-start with a $11.7 million investment from the government. The New Zealand government has announced a plan to eradicate all pests from Taranaki Taku Tūranga. Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage announced this plan will be backed by an $11.7 million funding […]

Written by on June 14, 2018

Community Conservation Needs Guidance

According to a new report led by Predator Free New Zealand Trust, community conservation needs clear objectives and a firm support structure in place to keep volunteers engaged and inspired. Researcher Dr. Marie Brown from the Catalyst group, an environmental management consultancy, recently published a report that highlights the need for stronger support structures for […]

Written by on June 1, 2018

DIY Biosecurity Protects Avocados and Wildlife

The McGillivrays are taking biosecurity measures into their own hands on their avocado orchard in New Zealand. Wilson and Barbara McGillivray got mixed reactions from their friends when they told them they were buying an avocado farm. One friend said that they were really buying a rat farm, because rats love avocados. The McGillivrays had […]

Written by on April 25, 2018

Antipodes Island Rich with Archaeological History

The 2018 search for archaeological sites on Antipodes Island reveals the impacts humans have had on the remote island for centuries. The Antipodes Islands have a significant but sparse archaeological heritage: hard to find in the low but dense vegetation and vulnerable to the regular landslips that continuously slough off the thin overmantle of peaty soil. […]

Written by on March 14, 2018

First Update from Antipodes

The Million Dollar Mouse confirmation team, including three detection dogs, heads off to Antipodes in hopes of finding a mouse-free island. The monitoring team met at the Southern Island Quarantine Store, where our gear including personal gear, monitoring equipment and food, was quarantined by DOC staff. The team comprises 7 staff monitoring for mice and […]

Written by on February 24, 2018

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