
Tag: Endangered

International Day for Biological Diversity 2023: Reflecting on changes in conservation

An interview with Heath Packard, our Chief Philanthropy Officer who just celebrated ten years with Island Conservation! At the heart of Island Conservation’s mission is restoring and protecting the beautiful, valuable biodiversity found on islands and their surrounding oceans. And what a pleasure it is to see that the theme of this year’s International Day […]

Written by on May 18, 2023

The Lowdown on Rewilding

Does the survival of life on our planet seem increasingly at risk? No matter your political orientation, work-life situation, or food preferences, it’s impossible not to notice the trouble we find ourselves in as a species. The impact we are having on the other 8.7 million species who share this planet with us is—in a […]

Written by on March 9, 2023

The Monito Gecko: Little Lizard, Big Success

The Monito Gecko becomes the first Caribbean endemic species to be delisted under the Endangered Species Act. By: Cielo Figuerola When observed from the air, Monito Island looks like a dot in the Caribbean Sea. You would have to continuously zoom in on any map just to see where it is. Only 5km apart from Mona […]

Written by on October 3, 2019

Hawaiian Forest Birds are in Trouble

Hawai’i’s native bird populations are struggling, with almost two-thirds of Hawaiian forest birds listed as Endangered or Threatened. The island of Hawai’i, otherwise known as the “Big Island,” has recently been in the news due to the eruption of Kilauea and the devastation this has brought to local ecosystems. However, the island’s ecosystems and biodiversity […]

Written by on July 13, 2018

Australia’s Reptiles are at Risk of Extinction

Australian snake and lizard populations are declining according to a recent update to the IUCN Red List. Australia has lost more animals to extinction than any other country in the world. They are going through an extinction crisis that keeps worsening; researchers recently announced that seven percent of Australia’s reptiles are on the verge of […]

Written by on July 13, 2018

7 Island Species and the Race Against Extinction

Islands are biodiversity hotspots, yet the decline of island species is more rapid than anywhere else in the world. Island species have evolved over thousands of years in isolation, leading to a high proportion of island-endemic (found nowhere else in the world) species. These animals have often evolved without predators and therefore without defensive mechanisms […]

Written by on May 17, 2018

Hope Intact for Vanishing Island Iguana

The population of the Lesser Antillean Iguana has declined by over 70% since European contact, an alarming rate that puts the species closer to extinction. The Caribbean is known for idyllic beaches and lush palm trees where people can get away to relax and enjoy the sun. However, the Caribbean islands are more than just […]

Written by on May 1, 2018

Hawaiian Goose on its Way to Recovery

Officials have proposed that the Hawaiian Goose be downlisted from Endangered to Threatened. The Nene, Hawai’i’s official state bird also known as the Hawaiian Goose, has recently received some good news. Due to a growing population, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed downlisting the status of the Hawaiian Goose from Endangered to Threatened […]

Written by on April 13, 2018

Islands: Hotbeds of Life and Epicenters of Extinction

Islands are biodiversity hotspots, but also extinction epicenters. Fortunately, there is a way to protect these vibrant ecosystems. Islands are home to a great diversity of rare and endemic species. With the advent of global travel, humans have spread around the world, ventured into these sensitive ecosystems, and in many cases, have introduced species that […]

Written by on February 26, 2018