Directorate of the Galapagos National Park

Tag: Directorate of the Galapagos National Park

Press Release: Invasive Rodents No Longer Threaten Wildlife on Seymour Norte Island and Mosquera Islet

Media contact: Claudio Uribe – Photos available Two years after implementing the rodent eradication program on Seymour Norte and Mosquera, the Galapagos National Park Directorate and Island Conservation determine the islands are free of invasive rodents. The Galapagos National Park Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Water, together with the not-for-profit organization Island […]

Written by on June 3, 2021

Press Release: Leonardo DiCaprio Announces $43M Initiative to Rewild the Galapagos Islands

Leonardo DiCaprio, Galapagos National Park Directorate, Island Conservation and Re:wild announce $43 million to support initiative to restore and rewild the Galapagos Islands, building on decades of local conservation efforts. Re:wild, a new global environmental organization launched today, is poised to help build a world in balance with the wild, starting with its first major commitment: […]

Written by on May 17, 2021

WIRED Features Island Conservation and the First Drone-powered Invasive Rat Removal

WIRED speaks with Island Conservation’s Chad Hanson about the world’s first drone-powered invasive vertebrate removal. Read the WIRED article here. The Directorate of the Galápagos National Park (Dirección del Parque Nacional Galápagos – DPNG) and Island Conservation have completed a world first by using drones to rid two Galápagos Islands of invasive rats. Island Conservation […]

Written by on January 31, 2019

Seeker Video: Galápagos Land Iguanas Return to Santiago Island After a 180 Year Absence

Seeker video features the Directorate of Galápagos National Park and Island Conservation in the re-introduction of Galápagos Land Iguanas to Santiago Island. For the first time in 180 years, Galápagos Land Iguanas (Conolophus subcristatus) have returned to Santiago Island thanks to a conservation intervention by the Directorate of Galápagos National Park, Island Conservation, and Massey […]

Written by on January 18, 2019

Threatened Galápagos Land Iguanas Return to Santiago Island En-Masse After 180-Year Absence

Reintroduction of Galápagos Land Iguanas helps restore Santiago Island’s ecological health and protect this important population. Press Release, 8 January 2019 Contact: Claudio Uribe, Island Conservation, Director of Communications.claudio.uribe@islandconservation.orgResources: photos, interviews The Directorate of Galápagos National Park (Dirección del Parque Nacional Galápagos – DPNG) and the international nonprofit organization Island Conservation reintroduced 1,436 Galápagos Land […]

Written by on January 8, 2019

The Children of Floreana and the Traveling Petrels

Island Conservation’s Legal & Administrative Specialist for the Galápagos team, Carolina Torres, recounts her recent trip to Isabela Island with the children of the Floreana Island. Few things brighten the heart like hearing a flock of Galápagos Petrels sing on Floreana Island, Galápagos. The deafening sound echoes between the peaks of Cerro Pajas and Cerro […]

Written by on October 13, 2018