Humboldt Penguin

Tag: Humboldt Penguin

Chilean island popular with seabirds declared rat-free

This article is a reprint from that ran on December 5, 2022. On December 2, the Chilean Ministry of Environment and the international nonprofit organization Island Conservation declared Chile’s Pajaro Uno Island free of invasive rodents. The partners removed invasive rats to restore the island’s native seabirds and protect the marine environment. Invasive rats on the island were devouring […]

Written by on December 22, 2022

Seabirds can now return to Pajaro Uno Island thanks to successful rat removal project

Two years after implementing Chile’s first rat eradication on Pajaro Uno Island, the Chilean Ministry of Environment and Island Conservation confirm the island is free of invasive rodents. Today, Dec 2nd, 2022, The Chilean Ministry of Environment and the international not-for-profit organization Island Conservation are proud to declare Pajaro Uno Island, Chile free of invasive […]

Written by on December 5, 2022

Earth Day Every Day—Six Bright Spots in Conservation

Successes in conservation are worth celebrating on Earth Day and every day—here are six stories of extinctions prevented and the species we can save if we act now. 1. Anacapa Island, California Channel Islands, USA Island Conservation’s first US-based project restored nesting habitat for native Scripps’s Murrelets and helped prevent their Endangered listing. 2. Hawadax […]

Written by on April 22, 2019

Seabird Nesting Habitat Saved in the Humboldt Reserve

As Earth Day approaches, Island Conservation will share stories of hope and success in conservation. The introduction of invasive rabbits devastated native Humboldt Penguin and Diving Petrel populations on Choros and Chañaral, but now species have a chance to thrive. Six hundred miles north of Santiago, Chile, you’ll find Choros and Chañaral Islands, which are […]

Written by on April 17, 2019

2018 in Review – Important Moments and Successes in Conservation

As 2018 comes to an end, here are just few of the top stories and accomplishments Island Conservation, our supporters, partners, and friends were talking about this year.  January – Albatross at Risk Invasive mice are a dangerous threat to Midway’s native seabirds—devouring eggs, chicks, and even adults. To protect the world’s oldest wild bird […]

Written by on December 25, 2018

One Dog that Saved an Island of Penguins

Watch and learn about Finn the Wonder Dog and his journey that helped save the Humboldt National Reserve. Finn is no ordinary dog. He is a detection dog, specially trained to sniff out invasive rabbits. You might wonder, “How does a dog come to be a detection dog?” Well, like many dogs, Finn was rescued […]

Written by on June 11, 2018

Choros Island, Chile: Before and After Restoration

Watching an island recover after conservation intervention is a welcome challenge for scientists. Islands are well known for their vibrant, unique native plants and wildlife. Unfortunately, many island ecosystems around the world are unraveling due to the presence of invasive species. Invasive species prey on native wildlife, decimate native vegetation, and outcompete the island’s native […]

Written by on April 24, 2018

Finn: The Wonder Dog that Traveled to Chile and Saved the Humboldt Penguins

El Definido shares the story of Finn the Wonder Dog and how he helped save the Humboldt Penguins and Peruvian Diving-petrels of the Humboldt Penguin National Reserve, Chile. By: María Victoria Coutts  Efforts to remove invasive rabbits that plagued the Humboldt Penguin National Reserve, Chile, have been declared successful, meaning today, the region’s native seabirds have […]

Written by on April 23, 2018

Mother Nature Network Features Finn the Wonder Dog

Mother Nature Network shares the story of Finn the Wonder Dog and his part in restoring the Humboldt Penguin Reserve in Chile. By: Jaymi Heimbuch If Old Yeller were transported to modern times, he might find a job saving wildlife. And his name might be Finn. Two conservation groups — Chile’s National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) […]

Written by on April 11, 2018

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