
Tag: Ecology

What Makes Invasive Species so Damaging on Islands?

Invasive species are a leading cause of extinctions on islands. What makes island ecosystems particularly vulnerable to invasive species? Endemism Many islands are home to species found nowhere else on Earth. If invasive species begin to disturb such islands’ ecosystem balances, the native species being negatively affected have no alternative home or additional populations, and […]

Written by on February 22, 2018

Philosophy Talks: Self, Technology, and Ecology

Editor and writer Sara Kaiser engages philosopher Nickolas Knightly in a conversation about the intersections of self, technology, and ecology. Does philosophy have a place in conservation? Philosophical inquiry can provide pathways to broader and clearer understandings of the daily efforts and deeper purposes of any pursuit, including conservation. The process of asking questions often […]

Written by on January 8, 2018

Philosophy Talks: Context and Values in Conservation

Communications Specialist Sara Kaiser engages philosopher Nickolas Knightly in a conversation about the connection between philosophy and conservation. Does philosophy have a place in conservation? Philosophical inquiry can provide pathways to broader and clearer understandings of the daily efforts and deeper purposes of any pursuit, including conservation. The process of asking questions often gives rise […]

Written by on October 9, 2017

Lehua Island Project is Safe, Necessary

Makaala Kaaumoana, originally from Kaneaohe and now a resident of Kilauea, explains why the eradication effort on Lehua Island is safe and necessary. By: Makaala Kaaumoana Aloha Kauai friends and neighbors, please hear my voice. No one cares more about the health of the Kauai than I do. My husband was born in Kilauea and his […]

Written by on September 14, 2017

Slithery Swarm, or Lush Locale? Tipping The Scales on Guam

Invasive Brown Tree Snakes have extirpated almost all of Guam’s native birds, and the consequences are cascading quickly. By: Sara Kaiser The scales are tipping on Guam. The once thriving tropical rainforest, home to a great diversity of birds and other wildlife, is changing fast. The introduction of Brown Tree Snakes in the 1940’s has proved to be too much for […]

Written by on July 19, 2017

Butterfly Boom on Desecheo After Decade-long Restoration Project

An outbreak of the Dingy Purplewing Butterfly was recorded on Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge, Puerto Rico following the completion of a restoration project. Just this week the announcement came out about the successful removal of invasive rats from Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Puerto Rico. Removal of invasive species from islands presents an incredible opportunity for native ecosystem […]

Written by on July 5, 2017

How Will Climate Change Facilitate Plant Invasion?

Scientists are assembling data to predict how climate change will drive plant invasions. With climate change in motion, plant species could migrate to regions that are changing to accommodate new species. Non-native (introduced) species are considered invasive when proof of harm to the ecosystem is observed. Climate change-driven shifts in abiotic factors–non-living features of the environment–could affect […]

Written by on June 2, 2017

Regulations or Extinction–Which Would You Choose?

A new scientific study reports that the spread of invasive species around the globe has increased in the past 200 years, indicating a need for enhanced biosecurity. Which came first: the transportation of species around the globe or regulations on transportation of species around the globe? You guessed it–the former. Humans have been traveling with animal […]

Written by on April 26, 2017

Equilibrium A Distant Dream for Island Bats

Study shows bat biodiversity in the Caribbean will take 8 million years to recover. Once biodiversity is lost, can it be recovered? A paper published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, “Recent Extinctions Disturb Path to Equilibrium Diversity in Caribbean Bats,” by Luis Valente, Rampal S. Etienne, and Liliana M. Dávalos offers helpful new insight into this complex question. The […]

Written by on January 27, 2017

Ecological Forecasting Software Could Help Explain How Climate Change Affects Wildlife

A new study calls for improvements in the way scientists predict the impact of climate change on plants and wildlife. A study recently published in the journal Science assessed the current methods for predicting the impacts of climate change on wildlife and plants. The researchers found that current projections are based on broad statistical correlations […]

Written by on October 2, 2016

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