Nukufetau Atoll Bolsters Pacific Conservation and Enhances Community Resilience by Removing Invasive Rats
Our projects to restore key islets in Nukufetau Atoll forecast climate resilience and community benefits in Tuvalu!
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Our projects to restore key islets in Nukufetau Atoll forecast climate resilience and community benefits in Tuvalu!
Written by Island Conservation (Team) on November 18, 2024
Island Conservation’s GIS Data Science Specialist shares how her experience on Floreana has been shaped by community.
Written by Island Conservation on November 13, 2023
Carolina Torres describes how the project to restore and rewild Floreana Island signals hope for a future where people and nature can thrive together in the Galápagos.
Written by carolina on October 10, 2023
Nature is not a place to visit. It is home. Gary Snyder, American poet, essayist, lecturer, and environmental activist Have you ever been in awe of a sunset? How about a dawning sunrise? What about a full moon, waxing glow across a starry night sky? Once considered sacred and meaningful by indigenous cultures around the world, these […]
Written by Catrina Walker on June 12, 2023
Volunteers are now taking part in Work for Humankind, a bold initiative in partnership with Lenovo, Island Conservation, and the Robinson Crusoe community that allows them to work their own jobs remotely from one of the world’s most far-flung offices. The group of volunteers will use Lenovo’s technology and donate their professional skills spanning design, […]
Written by Island Conservation on April 8, 2022
Research suggests restoration projects are more successful when community members are involved every step of the way. 41% of the world’s Critically Endangered and Endangered species live on islands with invasive species as a leading cause for their declines. Many of the highest priority islands in need of restoration which are being ravaged by invasive species are those […]
Written by stephanie on June 3, 2019
According to a new report led by Predator Free New Zealand Trust, community conservation needs clear objectives and a firm support structure in place to keep volunteers engaged and inspired. Researcher Dr. Marie Brown from the Catalyst group, an environmental management consultancy, recently published a report that highlights the need for stronger support structures for […]
Written by noelle on June 1, 2018
The project to restore Kayangel stands to benefit incredible wildlife and local community. By: Richard Griffiths and Tommy Hall As Island Conservation Project Directors, we work on islands where both the concentration of biodiversity and rate of extinction are greatest. Few places offer a higher return on conservation investments or greater satisfaction. Increasingly though, we have found ourselves working in […]
Written by Island Conservation on December 4, 2017
Welcome to Palau, an island nation unlike anywhere else on Earth. By: Sara Kaiser Palau is a biologically and culturally rich nation. The region’s unique wildlife assemblage includes thirteen bird species found nowhere else in the world–one prominent example is the Endangered Micronesian Megapode, found only in Palau and the Marianas islands. Palau itself is […]
Written by Sara on November 14, 2017
Floreana Project Facilitator Gloria Salvador shares how Floreana Island residents have found ways to integrate community and conservation and uphold their deepest values in the face of change. By: Gloria Salvador The Galápagos archipelago, also known as the Enchanted Island, received its nickname from the stories wrapped around its natural and human history. Since its […]
Written by Gloria on September 5, 2017