Mona Island

Tag: Mona Island

New Research: Eight Priority Islands for Restoration

New research published in PLOS ONE prioritizes islands where the removal of invasive species is feasible and will prevent extinctions. Research published in PLOS ONE and led by Island Conservation staff identified 169 islands where the removal of invasive species by 2030 would benefit 9.4% of Earth’s highly threatened animals. Restoration of 107 of these […]

Written by on July 2, 2019

The Compounding Threats of Invasive Species on the Mona Iguana

Island Conservation Restoration Specialist, Cielo Figuerola shares the success and conservation challenges of saving the Mona Island Iguana from invasive plants and animals. Invasive mammals including mice, rats, feral cats, and pigs are among the greatest threats to island wildlife, but invasive plants also play a concerning role in the decline of species. On Mona […]

Written by on April 23, 2019

Conservation Challenges of the Higo Chumbo Cactus

The Federally Threatened Higo Chumbo Cactus, native to remote islands of Puerto Rico, finds safe refuge after island restoration. Off the coast of Puerto Rico, four islands are home to a unique species of cactus—the Higo Chumbo Cactus. The tall, yellow cactus was once plentiful on Desecheo, Mona, and Monito Islands but the introduction of […]

Written by on March 1, 2019

The Road to Recovery on Mona Island

Island Conservation, the Greensboro Science Center, and partners work together to restore Mona Island, Puerto Rico and remove the invasive Australian Pine tree. Invasive species can impact native island wildlife in many different ways. One of the primary threats is predation by invasive species, but another is habitat alteration. On Mona Island, Puerto Rico, conservationists […]

Written by on November 28, 2018

Greensboro Science Center and Island Conservation – A Partnership to Save Mona Iguanas

The Greensboro Science Center and Island Conservation are collaborating to protect the Endangered Mona Iguana and other at-risk island species. By: Lindsey Zarecky The Greensboro Science Center (GSC) in Greensboro, North Carolina has joined forces with Island Conservation to help protect the Endangered Mona Iguana (Cyclura stejnegeri) which is endemic to Mona Island, Puerto Rico. […]

Written by on February 5, 2018

Mona Island Iguanas Nesting in Newly Restored Habitat

Island Conservation Restoration Specialist Cielo Figuerola shares some very good news for iguanas of Mona Island, Puerto Rico. By: Cielo Figuerola Last week we came back from our third trip to Mona Island, where we continued removing invasive Australian Pines to increase and improve nesting habitat for native iguanas on the island. This project was […]

Written by on August 8, 2017

Restoring Habitat for The Iguanas of Mona Island

Island Conservation Restoration Specialist Cielo Figuerola explains how invasive Australian Pines on Mona Island harm native iguanas and shares how Island Conservation plans to restore the Endangered species’ critical nesting areas. By: Cielo Figuerola I’m headed to Mona Island to begin implementation of a project focused on restoring nesting sites for the Endangered and endemic […]

Written by on August 1, 2017

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