An Endemic Way of Life, Part 2: Reconnecting with Nature as an Act of Climate Resilience
Part 2 of filmmaker Cece King’s reflection on her time on Juan Fernandez Island in Chile, learning about conservation and community!
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Part 2 of filmmaker Cece King’s reflection on her time on Juan Fernandez Island in Chile, learning about conservation and community!
Written by Island Conservation on June 24, 2024
Part 1 of filmmaker Cece King’s reflection on her time on Juan Fernandez Island in Chile, learning about conservation and community!
Written by Island Conservation on June 4, 2024
The National Forestry Corporation, administrator of the Juan Fernández National Park, and Island Conservation sign an agreement to restore Alejandro Selkirk Island, Chile. The Juan Fernández archipelago hosts a great diversity of plants and wildlife. The islands are home to flora found nowhere else in the world, and birds flourish here. Recently the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF), […]
Written by Island Conservation on August 30, 2017
Involucrar a las comunidades del archipiélago de Juan Fernández en el apoyo del cuidado responsable de animales domésticos. El Archipiélago de Juan Fernández, a 700 km de las costas de Chile, fue descubierto en 1574, declarado parque nacional en el año 1935, y Reserva de la Biosfera en 1977 debido a su alto endemismo de […]
Written by Paulina Stowhas on December 14, 2016
Engaging Juan Fernández Archipelago communities to support responsible domestic animal ownership. Of all island clusters, the Juan Fernández Archipelago, 700 KM off the coast of mainland Chile, has one of the highest densities of endemic plants and animals. This high endemism led to its declaration as a Chilean National Park in 1935 and a UNESCO Biosphere […]
Written by Paulina Stowhas on December 13, 2016
La Isla Robinson Crusoe es hogar de personas y también de vida silvestre. Implementamos alianzas para satisfacer las necesidades tanto del ecosistema nativo como de la comunidad local. No soy isleño de nacimiento, pero sí de corazón. Mis padres me criaron desde pequeño en la Isla Robinson Crusoe y sus enseñanzas siempre incluyeron la importancia […]
Written by Rolando on November 28, 2016
Robinson Crusoe Island is home to people and wildlife alike. Partnerships are at work to fulfill the needs of both the native ecosystem and the local community. I was not born on Robinson Crusoe Island, but my heart belongs to it. My parents raised me on Robinson Crusoe, Chile since I was a little boy, and their […]
Written by Rolando on November 28, 2016
Meet the Juan Fernández Tit-tyrant (Anairetes fernandezianus), a small songbird endemic to Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile. Faced with the threats of habitat loss and predation by invasive animals (rats and feral cats), this species has been classified as Near Threatened by the IUCN. This bird can be found in the few remaining patches of native […]
Written by diego on February 20, 2016