
Tag: Evolution

On the Origin of Galápagos Finches

Researchers have long wondered where Darwin’s Galápagos finches originated from and have identified a few possibilities, but conservationists face a different challenge in protecting the archipelago’s biodiversity. Galápagos finches are famous the world around as a prime example of the process of evolution and adaptive radiation. Long before finches inspired Darwin, they were not “Galápagos finches” but simply […]

Written by on August 18, 2018

Island Mice Showcase Evolution in Action

Scientists discover smallest island where mammal species can speciate, lending insight into how evolution works on islands. Madagascar has several species of lemurs, Australia has multiple kangaroo species, and the Galápagos has the world’s only ocean-diving iguana. When animals are isolated on an island, they evolve differently than they do on mainlands, giving rise to […]

Written by on May 31, 2018

Equilibrium A Distant Dream for Island Bats

Study shows bat biodiversity in the Caribbean will take 8 million years to recover. Once biodiversity is lost, can it be recovered? A paper published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, “Recent Extinctions Disturb Path to Equilibrium Diversity in Caribbean Bats,” by Luis Valente, Rampal S. Etienne, and Liliana M. Dávalos offers helpful new insight into this complex question. The […]

Written by on January 27, 2017

Island Living Changes Mammals

On islands, small mammals become bigger and large mammals get smaller. Ecosystem make-up and food resources are believed to be the cause of these size-change patterns.  The “Island Rule” describes the change in body size of mammals that migrate to islands: small mammals get bigger, and big mammals get smaller. Why is this? There is […]

Written by on June 17, 2016

In Evolutionary Twist, Island Foxes are “Genetically Flatlining”

Island Foxes set record for least genetic variation in a sexually reproducing species.  High genetic diversity among individuals in a species is usually optimal for survival, while low levels of genetic variation put a species at risk of extinction. In an evolutionary twist, Island Foxes native to the Channel Islands are challenging this long-standing principle. The […]

Written by on May 9, 2016