Alejandro Selkirk island

Tag: Alejandro Selkirk island

Unraveling The Mysterious Lives of Oceanic Seabirds in the Remote Pacific

Researchers from the University of Cambridge, the University of Liverpool, Island Conservation and Oikonos are using GPS to track and uncover the movements of the Stejneger’s and Juan Fernandez Petrels. The Juan Fernández Islands are located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, almost 500 miles west of Chile. For centuries they were thought to be the […]

Written by on December 9, 2019

New Research: Eight Priority Islands for Restoration

New research published in PLOS ONE prioritizes islands where the removal of invasive species is feasible and will prevent extinctions. Research published in PLOS ONE and led by Island Conservation staff identified 169 islands where the removal of invasive species by 2030 would benefit 9.4% of Earth’s highly threatened animals. Restoration of 107 of these […]

Written by on July 2, 2019

169 Islands that Offer Hope for Stemming the Extinction Crisis

Nearly 10% of island extinctions can be prevented through the eradication of invasive mammals on 169 islands, global collaboration shows. Embargoed Until March 27, 2019, 2 PM EST/11 AM PST Contact: Sally Esposito, Island Conservation,, +1 (706) 969-2783Resources:Interviews, Infographic, Photography (Floreana Island, Gough Island, Selkirk Island, Lehua Island, Cabritos Island), B-roll, 169 Islands List […]

Written by on March 26, 2019

Million-year-old Lizard Species Discovered on Remote Pacific Island

Exciting news! A new species of lizard was discovered on the remote Mussau Island in the Pacific Ocean. Because they are isolated, islands are conducive to speciation, which leads to fascinating organisms–like this lizard–and high biodiversity. Described as a ‘biological oddity’, researchers from the University of Turku in Finland say the lizard, named Varanus semotus, […]

Written by on March 14, 2016

One of Alejandro Selkirk Island, Chile’s Finest Native Species

Unless you have visited the remote island of Alejandro Selkirk, Chile, you might not know the Masafuera Hawk (Geranoaetus polyosoma exsul), a subspecies of the Red-backed Hawk endemic, to the island. This raptor measures 50-60 cm and is the only top predator native to the island. Adults—which have a steel grey back and a white [...]

Written by on February 20, 2016

Welcome to Alejandro Selkirk Island, Chile

[Español abajo] Alejandro Selkirk Island, more commonly known as Isla Masafuera by the lobster fishermen and their families who inhabit the island for eight months of the year, is the youngest and most remote island of the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile. This island is the tallest in the archipelago and sometimes sees snow in the […]

Written by on February 18, 2016

Alejandro Selkirk Island: A voyage to discover and protect rare island species

Isla Alejandro Selkirk—named after the infamous 18th Century castaway—lies 875 kilometers from the Chilean city of Valparaíso. The island is one of three islands in the Juan Fernández Archipelago, a cluster of islands which is 61 times richer in endemic plant species per square kilometer and 13 times greater in endemic bird richness than the […]

Written by on April 2, 2015

Alejandro Selkirk Island Photo Gallery

Isla Alejandro Selkirk—named after the infamous 18th Century castaway—lies 875 kilometers from the Chilean city of Valparaíso. The island is one of three islands in the Juan Fernández Archipelago, a cluster of islands which is 61 times richer in endemic plant species per square kilometer and 13 times greater in endemic bird richness than the […]

Written by on January 4, 2015