
Tag: Titi

Presenciando Cambio en Tenarunga

El Especialista en Sistemas de Información Geográfica (GIS) y Administración de Datos de Island Conservation, David Will comparte su experiencia al visitar la restaurada Isla Teranunga, en la Polinesia Francesa. Por: David Will Estoy de vuelta en casa después de una fructífera expedición de dos semanas para confirmar la ausencia de ratas invasoras y gatos […]

Written by on July 27, 2017

Witnessing Change on Tenarunga

Island Conservation GIS and Data Management Specialist David Will shares his experience visiting the restored Tenarunga Island, French Polynesia. By: David Will I am back home after a fruitful two-week expedition to confirm the absence of invasive rats and feral cats from Tenarunga (Tenania) in French Polynesia two years after the restoration project began. In […]

Written by on July 27, 2017

Paradise Saved: Pacific Islands Cleared of Invasive Predators

Some of world’s rarest birds rebound on Pacific islands cleared of invasive predators Five remote Pacific islands are once again safe havens for four of our world’s rarest bird species following the success of one of the most ambitious island restoration projects ever implemented. Just two years after ambitious efforts by a team of international […]

Written by on June 20, 2017