Tasmanian Devil

Tag: Tasmanian Devil

Extinction Rate in Australia Signals Need for Conservation

Australia is known for its unique ecosystems that support an array of wildlife. However, over 1,800 plant, animal, and ecological communities in the region face extinction right now. Two years ago, the Bramble Cay Melomys was the first mammal to go extinct as a direct result of climate change. Perhaps this extinction could have been […]

Written by on February 22, 2018

Animal Conservation: The Species That Are Bouncing Back

Celebrate the species that are returning from the brink of extinction thanks to conservation efforts. By: Robert Lovell Humans have played a significant role in the earth’s velocious animal extinction, increasing the loss of species by 1,000 times the natural rate according to recent studies. However, successful conservation projects show us that we have the […]

Written by on February 20, 2018