Penny Becker

Tag: Penny Becker

Island restoration and the vital role of connector species

Penny Becker, Island Conservation’s Vice President of Conservation, wrote an article about connector species that was recently featured by our partners at Galapagos Conservation Trust. Her groundbreaking research has helped uncover the vital connections between land and sea, sparking a new era of holistic restoration from ridge to reef. The idea that the land and […]

Written by on March 25, 2024

AFP: How tackling invasive species on land can spark ‘stunning’ improvements at sea

This article is a reprint from Yahoo!News that ran on December 5, 2022. It was written by Kelly Macnamara for Agence France-Presse. You can read our press release here on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences perspective co-led by Island Conservation’s Penny Becker. Restoring islands devastated by invasive species and helping coastal “connectors” […]

Written by on December 22, 2022

Island Restoration Set to Save Coral Reefs

Actress Laura Dern speaks up about preserving Tetiaroa’s Islands and the implications for coral reef conservation and mitigating climate change. RELEASED: Tuesday, October 20th, 11AM PST For Interviews, contact:Sally Esposito, Tetiaroa Society – sally@tetiaroasociety.orgClaudio Uribe, Island Conservation – Resources:Interviews, Project Video Narrated by Laura Dern, B-roll, Photos While the world was shut down due […]

Written by on October 19, 2020

Restoring Balance and Building Climate Resilience on Tetiaroa Atoll

Tetiaroa Atoll serves as a living laboratory for the restoration of terrestrial and marine ecosystems throughout French Polynesia. After landing in Tahiti, it takes just a short 20-minute plane ride to experience the isolated paradise of Tetiaroa Atoll, famously known for its incredible biodiversity and as the location of The Brando Luxury Eco-Resort. The atoll […]

Written by on June 24, 2020