Midway Albatross

Tag: Midway Albatross

Wisdom’s Newest Chick: One of Three Million Reasons to Restore Midway Atoll

The New York Times features the world’s oldest known wild bird, Wisdom the Laysan Albatross who has hatched a new chick in Midway Atoll. Still, the presence of invasive mice remains a persistent threat. Nearly sixty-five years ago, Wisdom a Laysan albatross, was first identified and banded by researchers on Midway Atoll in the North […]

Written by on March 11, 2021

How Are You Celebrating Earth Day?

Earth Day celebrations are going entirely online for 2020, but there are plenty of things each person can do for the planet, from home. Earth Day 2020 is going digital and being celebrated with 24-hours of Action. To help you celebrate Earth Day, we came up with a few ideas of actions you can take […]

Written by on April 22, 2020

Restoration Recipe for Midway Atoll

Midway has experienced various eras of landscape alteration over the past century, but the atoll is now entering a phase of restoration. When one imagines the Hawaiian archipelago, images of gently swaying palms, verdant vegetation, cool breezes, and ocean waves come to mind. But, going up the chain of islands, this green scene begins to […]

Written by on September 3, 2019