
Tag: Lionfish

Technology Helps Control Invasive Lionfish Population

As invasive lionfish reach uncontrollable depths in the Atlantic, conservationists turn towards technology to control the population. The problem began in 1992 when Hurricane Andrew washed an aquarium tank out to sea, releasing six lionfish into Biscayne Bay. Since then, the invasive Atlantic population has grown exponentially, threatening the native marine ecosystem. Lionfish lay on […]

Written by on November 8, 2019

The Conservation X Tech Prize—Innovating to Prevent Extinctions

Conservation X Labs announces the top 20 contestants for this year’s Con X Tech Prize focused on innovative solutions to mitigate the threat of invasive species. The Conservation X Labs, a nonprofit technology startup, hosts an annual, global competition in which innovative solutions to some of our world’s greatest environmental challenges are awarded $20,000. Each […]

Written by on October 15, 2019

The 10 Most Unwanted Invasive Species

From remote islands to our own backyards, invasive species threaten native plants and wildlife. These are 10 of the most unwanted and threatening invasive species throughout the world. 1. Yellow Crazy Ants Yellow Crazy Ants, believed to be native to West Africa, have been dispersed by human transportation systems to remote islands around the world, […]

Written by on December 21, 2017

Diatom Productions Presents: A Taste for Lionfish

Diatom Productions presents a way to mitigate invasive Lionfish. Lionfish, (Pterois volitans) is a venomous and highly invasive species causing problems in the Caribbean. Though it doesn’t exactly look appetizing at first glance, the lionfish is indeed good to eat. Diatom Productions shares a film about a proposal to integrate lionfish into the diets of […]

Written by on February 6, 2017

First Annual Innovation Summit on Invasive Species Takes Place December 5, 2016

National Invasive Species Council (NISC) Secretariat to co-host the first annual Innovation Summit on invasive species Date: November 28, 2016 Contact: Jason Kirkey, Click here to see the flier. WASHINGTON – On December 5th, 2016, the National Invasive Species Council (NISC) Secretariat will co-host a major gathering of leading scientists, innovators, and entrepreneurs to […]

Written by on November 30, 2016