Laysan Honeycreeper

Tag: Laysan Honeycreeper

Hope for Island Birds in the Face of Extinction

Island birds are at risk, but they are also resilient. Conservation can help prevent their extinction. Brad Keitt, formerly with Island Conservation and now the Oceans and Islands Program Director at the American Bird Conservancy, explains that in the face of extinction, conservation provides hope for seabirds and native species on islands around the world. […]

Written by on April 23, 2018

The Unlucky Thirteen: Birds Go Extinct Before Being Recognized as Unique Species

In 2016, the IUCN Red List recognized 740 new bird species, but 13 of them were declared already Extinct. The 2016 International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species recognized more than 740 new bird species, many of which were originally thought to be subspecies. The distinction between species and subspecies […]

Written by on January 11, 2017