
Tag: I'iwi

The Extinction of the Kauai ʻōʻō

The Kauai ʻōʻō was driven to extinction due to the presence of invasive species and habitat destruction but for other native forest birds conservation efforts can help. The Hawaiian Islands are a unique and wondrous hotspot of biodiversity, but due to the introduction of invasive predators and habitat destruction, many of these birds have been driven to extinction. The Kauai ʻōʻō […]

Written by on August 3, 2018

Genetic Research Could be the Key to Saving Hawaiian Honeycreepers

Avian malaria puts Hawaiian honeycreeper populations at risk of extinction, but researchers believe genetics can play a crucial role in saving these threatened birds. Temperature rise on the Hawaiian Islands is shrinking safe habitat for native forest birds. The warmer climate is attracting invasive mosquitoes up into Hawaii’s mountain regions, the last habitat where native […]

Written by on January 18, 2018

Scarlet Honeycreeper Recieves Endangered Species Listing

Hawai’i’s ‘I’iwi, also known as the Scarlet Honeycreeper, has received official listing under the Endangered Species Act. Hawai’i’s Scarlet Honeycreeper, also known as the ‘I’iwi was once one of the most common species found throughout native ʻŌhiʻa forests, but converging threats have led to dramatic declines in its population. After years of research, the ‘I’iwi has officially […]

Written by on September 21, 2017

I’iwi at Risk: A Scarlet Bird’s Dangerous Migration

As environmental impacts unfold in Hawaii, I’iwis’ seasonal migrations turn deadly. The scarlet I’iwi is hard to miss, standing out vibrantly against the deep green backdrop of Hawaii’s foliage. The native bird, a Hawaiian honeycreeper, fits gracefully into its natural habitat. Its curved bill, for example, matches the shape of the native ‘Opelu flower, which makes […]

Written by on June 13, 2017