
Tag: Hawaii

Video Footage Highlights Lehua Island Restoration Project

Video captures insights and hopes from the partners who are working to restore Lehua Island, Hawai’i. In 2021, Lehua Island officially became free from the threat of invasive rodents. This is a huge accomplishment that has enriched the region’s biodiversity and local fisheries. Social attraction methods–using fake birds and recordings of calls–have encouraged endangered seabirds […]

Written by on October 23, 2023

ʻAlalā Reintroduction: Challenges and Signs of Hope

In its fourth year, the ʻAlalā Project has had a number of setbacks, but overall conservationists are optimistic for the future of the species. ʻAlalā (Hawaiian Crows) are considered a sacred species in Hawaiian culture and regarded as family or spiritual guardians, but since 2002 this keystone species has been missing from its native ecosystem. They were […]

Written by on March 18, 2020

The Kāhuli and ʻŌhi‘a: The Interspecific Interaction that Kept Hawai’i Healthy

As conservationists fight to save Hawai’i’s native ʻŌhi‘a tree, they realize the important role native kāhuli snails play in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Hawai’i is currently facing two epidemics: the near extinction of the native kāhuli snails and the spread of Rapid Ohi’a Death decimating the iconic ʻŌhi‘a trees. While seemingly not connected, these two […]

Written by on September 26, 2019

Hibiscadelphus woodii Rediscovered Thanks to Drone Technology

Hibiscadelphus woodii, is a rare flower endemic to Hawaii which was presumed to be extinct, but recently it was rediscovered through the use of a drone. The Hibiscadelphus woodii is a flowering plant species endemic to Hawaii. Hibiscadelphus literally translates to “brother of Hibiscus,” aptly named for its similar appearance and close taxonomic relationship. The plant was last seen alive […]

Written by on June 20, 2019

Conservation X Labs is Hacking Conservation

Conservation X Labs offers cash prizes for participants that come up with the most novel solution to conservation challenges. Conserving nature and novel technological innovations go hand in hand. That is surely what ecology & evolutionary biologist, Alex Dehgan thought when he founded Conservation X Labs in Washington DC. Conservation X Labs, founded in 2015, is a […]

Written by on June 6, 2019

Guam Faces Biodiversity Threats from Invasive Species

The Fadang Tree and native bird species of Guam are at risk due to the invasive cycad scale and the brown tree snake, among others. Guam, a U.S. territory within the Mariana Island chain, boasts a spectacular and biodiverse ecosystem worth protecting. Unfortunately, the lush biodiversity of this tropical habitat is currently being devastated by […]

Written by on March 20, 2019

Rat lungworm is Spreading in Hawaii Due to an Invasive Semi-slug

Invasive semi-slugs are spreading rat lungworm throughout the big island of Hawaii, but there are ways the general public can help. There is likely nothing more effective at instilling a love for scientific inquiry in the hearts of children than taking them out into the field and letting them get their hands dirty. That’s exactly […]

Written by on March 14, 2019