Genetic Variation

Tag: Genetic Variation

Genetic Diversity Boost for Bandicoots

Australia’s bandicoots face threats from invasive predators and a decline in genetic variation. Conservation must tackle both problems. Bandicoots were once found throughout Australia, but due to the introduction of invasive feral cats and foxes, their population has been greatly diminished. The decline in native species populations is a warning sign that extinction may be […]

Written by on September 15, 2017

Kākā Genetic Diversity Gets a Boost

Conservationists in New Zealand are implementing a captive breeding program to give the native Kākā a boost in genetic diversity. New Zealand’s native Kākā bird is one of many forest birds under threat due to the presence of mammalian predators. The large parrot stands out with its greyish-brown body with splashes of red and orange on […]

Written by on August 3, 2017

In Evolutionary Twist, Island Foxes are “Genetically Flatlining”

Island Foxes set record for least genetic variation in a sexually reproducing species.  High genetic diversity among individuals in a species is usually optimal for survival, while low levels of genetic variation put a species at risk of extinction. In an evolutionary twist, Island Foxes native to the Channel Islands are challenging this long-standing principle. The […]

Written by on May 9, 2016