Cane Toad

Tag: Cane Toad

Australia’s Reptiles are at Risk of Extinction

Australian snake and lizard populations are declining according to a recent update to the IUCN Red List. Australia has lost more animals to extinction than any other country in the world. They are going through an extinction crisis that keeps worsening; researchers recently announced that seven percent of Australia’s reptiles are on the verge of […]

Written by on July 13, 2018

Efforts to Save Quolls might Actually Endanger Them

Researchers are finding that relocating marsupials to a predator-free island changes their behavior such that they are no longer afraid of predators. Over the past 80 years, the Northern Quoll, a cat-sized carnivorous marsupial with a pointed snout and bushy long tail, had disappeared all over Australia due to the invasive toxic Cane Toad. Northern […]

Written by on June 22, 2018

Madagascar’s Biodiversity Threatened by Toxic Toad

An  invasive toxic toad has made its way onto Madagascar and has the potential to devastate local ecosystems and biodiversity. The Asian Common Toad has recently made its way to Madagascar. This breach jeopardizes the safety of all native island predators that will eat the invasive toad. When the toad feels threatened they secrete a […]

Written by on June 22, 2018

Crafty Crows Learn to Eat Poisonous Cane Toads

Australian Crows have learned how to make a meal out of the toxic invasive Cane Toad. Crows often get a bad rap, but these birds are actually very intelligent and adaptable. Members of the family Corvidae show a capability to learn and problem-solve that is unparalleled among other birds. These clever Australian corvids have learned […]

Written by on February 7, 2018

The 10 Most Unwanted Invasive Species

From remote islands to our own backyards, invasive species threaten native plants and wildlife. These are 10 of the most unwanted and threatening invasive species throughout the world. 1. Yellow Crazy Ants Yellow Crazy Ants, believed to be native to West Africa, have been dispersed by human transportation systems to remote islands around the world, […]

Written by on December 21, 2017