
Tag: Biodiversity

Tequila Sunrise? Or Floreana Sunrise?

Carolina Torres describes how the project to restore and rewild Floreana Island signals hope for a future where people and nature can thrive together in the Galápagos.

Written by on October 10, 2023

A Problem with a Solution: Protecting Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Communities by Removing Invasive Species from Islands 

Islands are renowned for their unique ecosystems, captivating biodiversity, and vibrant communities. However, these isolated paradises often face an insidious threat that jeopardizes not only their natural heritage but also the well-being of their inhabitants: invasive species. In this blog post, we explore the profound impacts invasive species have on island biodiversity, fragile ecosystems, and […]

Written by on July 10, 2023

Listening and Learning from Indigenous Stewards

Nature is not a place to visit. It is home. Gary Snyder, American poet, essayist, lecturer, and environmental activist  Have you ever been in awe of a sunset?  How about a dawning sunrise?  What about a full moon, waxing glow across a starry night sky?  Once considered sacred and meaningful by indigenous cultures around the world, these […]

Written by on June 12, 2023