Outcome Monitoring Results from Antipodes Island

Before removal of invasive species, an estimated 200,000 mice on Antipodes Island were eating their way through between 500 kg and 1000 kg of food per day, depriving native species of crucial resources. How are things looking eighteen months later, following a restoration project?

The unique flora and fauna of Antipodes Island are flourishing in their new predator-free home, monitoring shows.

Recent data from the island shows that Pipit, Snipe, and Parakeet populations have rebounded to similar or higher levels than before and immediately after the 2016 operation. The trend suggests further increases are likely. Continued sampling next summer will help scientists estimate at what number the populations will stabilize.

With the damaging mice now out of the equation, the unique species of Antipodes Island will no longer have to compete for limited resources, and invertebrates will have total respite from being a mouse’s favorite meal.

With each passing year, you can expect to see the island shift closer and closer to its pre-mouse invasion state – providing even more inspiration to look towards the next big goal: a predator free New Zealand subantarctic. Next stop: Auckland Islands

Read the full report here to appreciate these outstanding results: Outcome Monitoring Results Antipodes Islands Outcome Monitoring Results Antipodes Islands or the 2018 Monitoring trip report

Originally printed by Million Dollar Mouse
Featured photo: A Reischek’s Parakeet on Antipodes Island. Credit: Jason Zito/Island Conservation

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