Get to Know the REAL Wild Things: The Pigmy Blue-tailed Ameiva


Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family
Animalia Chordata Reptilia Squamata Teiidae


Scientific Name:

Ameiva lineolata

island conservation science cabritos island pigmy bluetailed ameiva dominican republic
The Pigmy Blue-tailed Ameiva is xerophilic—meaning it prefers dry climates with very little moisture.


island conservation science cabritos island pigmy bluetailed ameiva dominican republic
These lizards mostly camouflage with their habitat, but their bright blue tail is sure hard to miss!


island conservation science cabritos island pigmy bluetailed ameiva dominican republic
The principal threat to this species is loss of vegetation, due to invasive species and development.

 Join our Campaign to Save Cabritos Iguanas

Our goal is to raise $22,000 by February 1, 2016 to save the Critically Endangered Ricord’s Iguana and Vulnerable Rhinoceros Iguana. By continuing removal of invasive species from Cabritos Island. This funding will be put directly on the ground to purchase supplies and feed our Dominican field team as they battle the scorching temperatures, avoid the crocodiles, and remove invasive species—all to save these wondrous and wild iguanas who, without your help, could be lost forever. Over the next several months we’ll be reaching out to conservation heroes like you, the queens and “kings of all wild things”, to amplify this “wild rumpus”. You can join the campaign by donating directly (all gifts support the Cabritos Island Restoration Project or by becoming an ambassador for the campaign and sharing with your friends, family, and colleagues.



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