Island Conservation on the Radio: Cameron Diver talks Nature-Based Solutions

Island Conservation’s new Vice President of Conservation was recently featured on ABC Australia, talking about the promises and success of Island Conservation’s work and our ambitious Island-Ocean Connection Challenge.

Cameron Diver joined Island Conservation as our Vice President last month, and his championship of our work has been powerful and immediate. In conversation with David Marr, Cameron shared how we work to protect vulnerable island ecosystems.

“Islands are vulnerable, yes, certainly, but it’s also better to look at them as catalysts for solutions,” he says. Islands are places where limited human interventions can have outsized impacts.

Removing invasive species from islands is an important first step. Cameron said that removing invasive species from islands is “a key to holistic restoration” and “a nature-based solution for oceans, biodiversity, and communities.”

Cameron Diver says, "Invasive species are one of the focal areas of Island Conservation. It's a key to holistic restoration."

Sharing incredible stories from Late Island, Tonga and Pinzon and Rabida in the Galapagos, Ecuador, Cameron shows how Island Conservation and our partners through the IOCC can produce amazing results for vulnerable but unique ecosystems around the world.

Listen to Cameron’s full interview on ABC here, and support our work to holistically restore islands for people and nature worldwide today!





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