
Tag: Weka

The Lazarus Effect: Protect One Species, Resurrect a Whole Forest

Pest control is saving more than just the Kiwi: species that haven’t been seen for years are reappearing in New Zealand’s forests. Ann Graeme shares inspiring stories of native birds, plants, and insects that have returned after community conservation for a different species – “The Lazarus Effect.” By: Ann Graeme  It rained in the night. My pack […]

Written by on March 15, 2018

Researchers Indentify Two Sub-species of Weka

Researchers identify two distinct sub-species of Weka when previously there were believed to be six. Scientific understanding of species is constantly evolving. In New Zealand and on islands around the world, questions frequently arise about what is a species versus a sub-species. In New Zealand many species have differentiated into North Island and South Island […]

Written by on October 27, 2017