
Tag: Tsunami

Tonga hit by tsunami after volcanic eruption

Here on the west coast of the continental U.S., we were shocked to see the news about the eruption of the undersea volcano in the island nation of Tonga. Our hearts and thoughts are with the people of Tonga, our partners, friends, and colleagues. Island Conservation has worked in Tonga for several years, and we […]

Written by on January 15, 2022

Lessons from a Tsunami in Hawai’i

A tsunami strikes Hawaiian islands with globally important seabird species; scientists can study its effects to better understand imminent ecological threats presented by sea level rise. Earthquake-generated tsunamis can cause sudden flooding in coastal areas and islands. Damage to human health and infrastructure caused by past tsunamis is well-documented–but what happens to the affected region’s […]

Written by on July 13, 2017