Short-tailed Albatross

Tag: Short-tailed Albatross

Rare Endangered Albatross Takes Flight from Midway Atoll

Jonathan Plissner recently witnessed a rare event—the fledging of a Short-tailed Albatross on Midway Atoll. In celebration of the first World Albatross Day, he shares his thoughts on this event and hopes for the future. Short-tailed Albatross are one of the rarest and most endangered seabirds in the Pacific. Most of the global population breeds […]

Written by on June 19, 2020

Celebrating World Albatross Day

The Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels launches World Albatross Day on June 19th, 2020. Island Conservation’s mission is to prevent extinctions by removing invasive species from islands. We work with local communities, government management agencies and conservation organizations on islands with the greatest potential for preventing the extinction of globally threatened species. We develop comprehensive […]

Written by on January 17, 2020

Midway’s Native Wildlife and the Threat Posed by Invasive Mice

Midway’s native plant and animal diversity have thrived for decades even in the face of human impacts, but now invasive mice are threatening the delicate balance. Mention of Midway Atoll brings to mind myriads of birds. But, there’s more to Midway. Known as Pihemanu (“loud din of birds” in Hawaiian), Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge […]

Written by on August 6, 2019

Midway: Edge of Tomorrow

Filmmaker Ian Shive talks about his new Midway Atoll documentary, “Midway: Edge of Tomorrow.” Ian Shive is a conservation filmmaker and photographer. Through his work Shive documents some of the world’s most pristine environments and brings to the public important conservation stories from around the globe. His recent expeditions to the remote marine monuments in […]

Written by on April 3, 2018

The 10 Most Unwanted Invasive Species

From remote islands to our own backyards, invasive species threaten native plants and wildlife. These are 10 of the most unwanted and threatening invasive species throughout the world. 1. Yellow Crazy Ants Yellow Crazy Ants, believed to be native to West Africa, have been dispersed by human transportation systems to remote islands around the world, […]

Written by on December 21, 2017

It’s Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Albatross Return to Midway Atoll

Albatross return to Midway Atoll to begin the breeding season. Conservationists are hopeful these threatened seabirds can be saved from predatory invasive species. Albatross are philopatric seabirds, which means they return to their natal breeding colony every year to nest and raise new chicks. Midway Atoll is home to the largest Albatross breeding colony in the […]

Written by on November 9, 2017