
Tag: Shearwaters

Social Attraction—Bringing Seabirds Back to Desecheo Island

Desecheo Island restoration takes another step forward as U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, Island Conservation, and Effective Environmental Restoration set up decoys and sound systems to bring seabirds back to the island.   On rocky outcrops on the southwestern side of Desecheo Island, Puerto Rico two new decoy colonies of Bridled Terns have been set […]

Written by on April 30, 2019

Phillip Island’s Penguin Colony Needs Protection

Phillip Island penguins benefit from protection against invasive predators. Phillip Island, Victoria Australia is famous for its native Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) colony. Invasive feral foxes, which posed threats to the native penguins, were once present on Phillip Island but have not been seen in two years thanks to conservation intervention. In the absence of foxes the […]

Written by on April 24, 2017