Preventing Extinctions

Tag: Preventing Extinctions

Focus On Islands: Biodiversity and Preventing Extinctions

As the world faces an extinction crisis, islands offer hope for stemming the decline of global biodiversity and saving Endangered animals. Although all the islands in the world make up only 5.3% of the Earth’s landmass, they are home to a wide array of different species making them hotspots of biodiversity. In addition to a […]

Written by on May 22, 2020

Confirming Zero: A Call for Innovative Solutions for Conservation

GIS and Data Program Manager David Will outlines the challenges posed by conservation data collection and calls for innovative solutions to expediate this crucial component of preventing extinctions. By: David Will Imagine you are on a remote island fighting your way through thick bushes in search of footprints the size of quarter – but hoping […]

Written by on March 1, 2018

2016 Island Conservation Highlights

We looked back at our blog posts this year, and found that there was plenty to celebrate! Take a look at these conservation highlights from 2016. Conservation Status and Population Size Improvements Bronx Zoo helps achieve downlisting from Critically Endangered to Endangered for Blue Iguanas. After a close call with extinction, Hawaiian Crows recover and […]

Written by on December 24, 2016