Piero Genovesi

Tag: Piero Genovesi

169 Islands that Offer Hope for Stemming the Extinction Crisis

Nearly 10% of island extinctions can be prevented through the eradication of invasive mammals on 169 islands, global collaboration shows. Embargoed Until March 27, 2019, 2 PM EST/11 AM PST Contact: Sally Esposito, Island Conservation, sally.esposito@islandconservation.org, +1 (706) 969-2783Resources:Interviews, Infographic, Photography (Floreana Island, Gough Island, Selkirk Island, Lehua Island, Cabritos Island), B-roll, 169 Islands List […]

Written by on March 26, 2019

Wake-up Call for Imperiled Species!

Conservationists, including Island Conservation’s Director of Science Nick Holmes, speak at the Island Invasives Conference 2017 press briefing. How early would you get up to prevent extinctions? Whether we’re filming the dramatic recovery of Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge, or participating in an international online press conference, a 04:30 wakeup call is par for the course […]

Written by on June 30, 2017