Little Spotted Kiwi

Tag: Little Spotted Kiwi

Genetic Bottleneck Threatens New Zealand’s Iconic Little Spotted Kiwi

The Little Spotted Kiwi was once the most abundant species of kiwi in New Zealand, but the introduction of invasive species and anthropological activities have changed their fate forever. Kiwi’s are flightless, nocturnal birds native to New Zealand. The Little Spotted Kiwi (Apteryx owenii) was once the most common of the five kiwi species. Due to the introduction of invasive species, habitat […]

Written by on November 20, 2019

Little Spotted Kiwis To Return Home

20 Little Spotted Kiwis are to be released into an Auckland wildlife sanctuary. Ten male and ten female Little Spotted Kiwis (Apteryx owenii) from Kapiti Island will be released in Northern New Zealand. The 20 Kiwis will be released into Shakespear Open Sanctuary, a 2-square mile (500 hectare) reserve that has been devoid of invasive […]

Written by on July 13, 2017