Hob Osterlund

Tag: Hob Osterlund

Documentary Showcases the Restoration of Lehua Island

Hawai’i’s Department of Land and Natural Resources documentary highlights the efforts to restore Lehua Island to a seabird safe haven. Transcription: Narrator: Unless you know better, you might not guess Lehua Island is in Hawai’i. It’s a stunning island, rising more than 700 feet out of the sea. It has fascinating geology; vertical cliffs, an […]

Written by on October 23, 2017

Rumors and Rage: When Good Conservation Sounds Bad

Hob Osterlund explains why removing invasive rats from Lehua is vital to the conservation of native Hawaiian seabirds. By: Hob Osterlund Lehua is a tiny uninhabited crescent-shaped Hawaiian Island about eighteen miles southwest of Kauai. Steep, sparsely vegetated and about three hundred acres in size, most people have never heard of it, much less visited. […]

Written by on September 7, 2017