
Tag: Hawadax

Earth Day Every Day—Six Bright Spots in Conservation

Successes in conservation are worth celebrating on Earth Day and every day—here are six stories of extinctions prevented and the species we can save if we act now. 1. Anacapa Island, California Channel Islands, USA Island Conservation’s first US-based project restored nesting habitat for native Scripps’s Murrelets and helped prevent their Endangered listing. 2. Hawadax […]

Written by on April 22, 2019

Invasive Rat on St. Paul Island Evades Strike Team

Conservationists continue to search for an invasive rat on St. Paul Island, Alaska after the rapid response team implements new methods for finding and tracking invasive predators. St. Paul Island, off the coast of Alaska is a rat-free island or at least it was until early September when a camera captured an image of an invasive […]

Written by on November 7, 2018

New Research Points the Way for Invasive Species Management

Scientists assess existing research on invasive species, identify key unknowns, and point toward what’s next in the management of this global crisis. By: Dylan Meek The term “invasive species” draws a general consensus when brought up amongst conservationists—namely, that they are a significant threat to biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. But why? To what extent do […]

Written by on August 8, 2017

Birds are Returning to Hawadax, Previously “Rat” Island

Say goodbye to what was once called “Rat Island.” Native birds are reclaiming Hawadax Island as their own, thanks to the removal of invasive species in 2008 by Island Conservation, USFWS Alaska, and The Nature Conservancy. Bird species that were absent prior to rat eradication but now found on Hawadax include tufted puffins, song sparrows […]

Written by on February 20, 2016