Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Rodents

Tag: Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Rodents

World Nature Conservation Day: Technology to Forge a Path for Nature Conservation and Communities

For World Nature Conservation Day, Penny Becker Island Conservation’s Regional Executive Director for the U.S. and Pacific shares her thoughts on the impact island restoration has for communtieis, and the potential benefits gene drives could offer conservationists. World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated every year on July 28. The date is a reminder of the value […]

Written by on July 28, 2021

Saving Nature Through Human Innovation

Pulitzer-prize-winning author Elizabeth Kolbert highlights the potential applications of gene drives, assisted evolution, and lengths researchers are going to in the name of conservation. Today our natural ecosystems are not so “natural.” Humans have altered systems through development, the spread of invasive species, and climate change. One of the most pressing challenges of our time […]

Written by on May 7, 2021

Island Conservation’s Board Resolution for the Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Rodents Partnership

Island Conservation’s Board of Directors adopted this resolution to guide Island Conservation staff activities with the Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Rodents (GBIRd) partnership. Island Conservation’s Board of Directors revised this resolution in 2021. The current version can be seen here. In 2012, Island Conservation engaged in a ‘horizon scan’ to identify the best potential new […]

Written by on April 9, 2021

The New Yorker Magazine: Gene Drives as a Tool for Saving Nature

Journalist and best-selling author, Elizabeth Kolbert, speaks with leading gene drive researchers and Island Conservation’s GBIRd partners to understand how gene drive technology could save species and prevent the spread of human diseases. Read the original article in the New Yorker Magazine article here. Genetically modified organisms are nothing new, and over the past decade, […]

Written by on February 3, 2021

Press Release: Opportunities and Knowledge Gaps in Gene Drive Research

Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Rodents (GBIRd) program partners evaluate the field of gene drive research for conservation and identify areas of interest where additional research is necessary. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Emily Heber, Island Conservation, Invasive rodents are present on 80% of the world’s island groups and pose a significant threat to island and […]

Written by on November 7, 2019

Join Island Conservation at Santa Cruz Works Get Biotech Event

Island Conservation’s Major Gifts Officer, Heath Packard, spoke with Santa Cruz Works’, Eric Johnson, about the threat of invasive species and the development of new technology in the field. Eric: You are participating in next week’s Get Biotech event, which Santa Cruz Works is hosting. [Info at the bottom.] Can you give us a little […]

Written by on August 26, 2019

Nature Features GBIRd—The Promise of Gene Drives

Nature features Island Conservation’s GBIRd Program Manager, Royden Saah, and the impact gene drive could have for preventing extinctions. Researchers around the world are studying the possibility of using gene drives for preventing the spread of diseases and ridding islands of invasive species. The Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Rodents (GBIRd) program is a partnership between […]

Written by on July 10, 2019

International Ornithological Congress 2018 Presents: Innovative Gene Editing Approaches for Conservation

Invasive species removal on islands is one of the most promising conservation methods around today, but there are limits to current tools and methods. Innovative gene editing techniques show promising potential for bird conservation and communities on islands around the world. Scattered throughout the world’s oceans, islands host the greatest concentration of biodiversity species extinctions. […]

Written by on August 19, 2018

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