Choros and Chanaral

Tag: Choros and Chanaral

Earth Day Every Day—Six Bright Spots in Conservation

Successes in conservation are worth celebrating on Earth Day and every day—here are six stories of extinctions prevented and the species we can save if we act now. 1. Anacapa Island, California Channel Islands, USA Island Conservation’s first US-based project restored nesting habitat for native Scripps’s Murrelets and helped prevent their Endangered listing. 2. Hawadax […]

Written by on April 22, 2019

Finn the Wonder Dog Retires to Santa Cruz

Finn the Wonder Dog has retired from his years of service as a conservation detection dog and is now living a life of luxury in Santa Cruz, California. Do you remember Finn the Wonder Dog? Finn is a trained detection dog that has helped Island Conservation and other conservation organizations confirm the successful removal of […]

Written by on August 29, 2018