Cassin's Auklet

Tag: Cassin's Auklet

Invasive Rats Resurface on Haida Gwaii

After a successful eradication effort in 2016, invasive rats resurface on islands in the Haida Gwaii Archipelago, but conservationists are not giving up. In British Columbia, Canada two Gwaii Haanas islands have been invaded by rats after an initially successful effort to remove invasive rodents in 2016. In 2016, a conservation effort between Haida Nation, […]

Written by on November 1, 2017

Seabirds Benefit from Canadian Marine Reserve

New marine reserve off the coast of Vancouver, Canada will have a positive impact both on and offshore. Seabirds are grateful. Vancouver’s coastal islands might seem remote and untouched, but the threat of invasive species is a serious concern for seabirds. Some of the islands off of cape Scott have been protected by conservation measures […]

Written by on February 24, 2017