Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Tag: Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Preventing Extinctions, It Works

New research finds that since 1993, conservation actions have had a clear impact, preventing extinctions of birds and mammals on a global scale. Over the past two decades, researchers found that the extinction of up to 48 species of bird and mammal species have been prevented as a direct result of conservation interventions. The researchers […]

Written by on September 24, 2020

Scientific Assessment Highlights Biodiversity Conservation

Scientific assessments confirm the need for biodiversity conservation around the world to protect life on Earth. Reports show that biodiversity continues to decline in every region of the world. Loss of biodiversity undermines nature’s ability to ensure quality of life everywhere. Actions to safeguard biodiversity are being undertaken, but more are needed. IPBES regional assessment […]

Written by on March 26, 2018

Convention on Biological Diversity: Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Aichi Biodiversity Targets Strategic Goal A: Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society Strategic Goal B: Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use Strategic Goal C: To improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity Strategic Goal D: Enhance the benefits […]

Written by on December 10, 2016