Scopoli's Shearwater

Tag: Scopoli's Shearwater

Restoration on Italian Islands, It’s About Saving Seabirds

Successful restoration of islands in Italy gives the Vulnerable Yelkouan Shearwater population a much-needed boost. For over 20 years, the Nature Environment Management Operators (NEMO) has been dedicated to restoring Italy’s islands, with the main, but not the only, goal of protecting the breeding populations of the Yelkouan Shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan) and Scopoli’s Shearwater (Calonectris […]

Written by on August 6, 2020

Restoration Secures Scopoli’s Shearwater Habitat

Conservationists at PonDerat celebrate the hatching of a Scopoli’s Shearwater chick on Ventotene Island, Italy. Scopoli’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) hatchlings were historically very difficult to observe on Ventotene Island, Italy. Those chicks that survived did so in the face of invasive rats and typically nested out if sight in inaccessible cliffs. Now that PonDerat and […]

Written by on January 17, 2020