Life Puffinus Tavolara

Tag: Life Puffinus Tavolara

Restoration on Italian Islands, It’s About Saving Seabirds

Successful restoration of islands in Italy gives the Vulnerable Yelkouan Shearwater population a much-needed boost. For over 20 years, the Nature Environment Management Operators (NEMO) has been dedicated to restoring Italy’s islands, with the main, but not the only, goal of protecting the breeding populations of the Yelkouan Shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan) and Scopoli’s Shearwater (Calonectris […]

Written by on August 6, 2020

Yelkouan Shearwater Population Rebound on Tavolara Island

Almost two years after the removal of invasive rats from Tavolara Island, Italy Yelkouan Shearwater fledglings seem to be thriving. One of the most effective conservation actions available today is the removal of invasive species from islands. Time and time again, islands seemingly come back to life as if overnight in the absence of invasive […]

Written by on August 15, 2019

Conservation Intervention Gives the Yelkouan Shearwater a Chance to Thrive on Tavolara Island, Italy

The world’s largest population of Yelkouan Shearwaters on Tavolara Island, Italy has officially been declared free of invasive rodents due to a successful conservation intervention. Yelkouan Shearwaters (Puffinus yelkouan) are small black-and-white seabirds which breed and nest on islands throughout the Mediterranean. Tavolara Island, located off the coast of Sardinia, Italy is one of the […]

Written by on November 8, 2018