Dena Spatz

Tag: Dena Spatz

Island Conservation’s Wes Jolley Guest Features on the YourForest Podcast 

Collaborating with our partners allows us to spread the word about our meaningful work – and speaking to passionate advocates amplifies this message even further! We’re delighted that Wes Jolley, Island Conservation’s Head of Operations for the United States Program, made his podcast debut this week, appearing alongside our proud alum Dena Spatz.   YourForest is […]

Written by on October 12, 2022

Rewildology Podcast: Amplifying our message of hope

Island Conservation’s David Will appeared on the Rewildology Podcast along with long-term collaborators Nick Holmes (The Nature Conservancy) and Dena Spatz (Pacific Rim Conservation). Together they discussed what drew them to their work and just how effective eradications have proven to be over the last 100 years. It’s a wide-ranging discussion that includes touching personal stories as […]

Written by on October 5, 2022

Focus On Islands: Biodiversity and Preventing Extinctions

As the world faces an extinction crisis, islands offer hope for stemming the decline of global biodiversity and saving Endangered animals. Although all the islands in the world make up only 5.3% of the Earth’s landmass, they are home to a wide array of different species making them hotspots of biodiversity. In addition to a […]

Written by on May 22, 2020

Save Threatened Species by Focusing on Islands First

Axios features a new study released by Island Conservation and partners that highlights the impact of island restoration. By: Eileen Drage O’Reilly In order to halt species extinction, researchers are suggesting conservation efforts should focus on islands, which hold 41% of the world’s known highly threatened vertebrates, per a study published recently in Science Advances. Why this matters: Lead Author and […]

Written by on November 1, 2017