
Tag: Animal

Wedge Island: A Predator-Free Sanctuary for Endangered Species

Endangered species find refuge on predator-free Wedge Island, Australia. The protected area offers species a chance to bounce back from extinction.  The Critically Endangered Brush-tailed Bettong and Black-footed Rock Wallaby used to thrive in Australia. However, due largely to predatory invasive species such as feral cats and foxes on Mainland Australia, these mammals have experienced […]

Written by on June 17, 2016

One Trillion Species Live on Earth, Less than 1% Identified

Ecological models, rules, and genetic sequencing technology bring researchers to conclusion that almost one-trillion species live on Earth.  Perhaps you remember as a child enjoying books with detailed illustrations of all kinds of animals. Many of us learned about the great diversity of species that we share the planet with at a very young age. We […]

Written by on June 17, 2016

Rare Animal Species are Vital to Ecosystem Functioning

When a rare animal species native to a biodiversity hotspot goes extinct, the entire ecosystem is at risk. The loss of a rare animal species has cascading effects on ecosystems, according to a study by researchers at the National Institute of Amazonian Research in Manaus, Brazil. Rare species occupy important environmental niches. These species often make specialized contributions to the […]

Written by on May 9, 2016

In Evolutionary Twist, Island Foxes are “Genetically Flatlining”

Island Foxes set record for least genetic variation in a sexually reproducing species.  High genetic diversity among individuals in a species is usually optimal for survival, while low levels of genetic variation put a species at risk of extinction. In an evolutionary twist, Island Foxes native to the Channel Islands are challenging this long-standing principle. The […]

Written by on May 9, 2016