Our Staff
Chad Hanson
Deputy Vice President Conservation
Chad Hanson, serving now as Island Conservation’s Deputy Vice President, Conservation has implemented a suite of island restoration projects over the last twenty years with a focus on addressing one of the most impactful threats; introduced invasive species. Having worked with over a dozen of the most damaging vertebrate species, he has extensive experience in assessing feasibility, project planning and budgeting, biosecurity, innovating tools and methodologies and implementing eradications. His mission is to prevent extinctions which is ongoing through the rewilding of some of our world’s most at-risk islands. Before joining Island Conservation, Chad played a predominant role in the world’s largest goat removal on Santiago Island, Galápagos, applying his management and training skills to a team of over 40 Ecuadorian field staff. With experience in conflict transformation, negotiation, and facilitation, Chad co-chairs Island Conservation’s Eradication Advisory Team reviewing and advising on projects globally and has led the development of many of Island Conservation’s internal organizational management tools and processes.