Antipodean Wandering Albatross

Tag: Antipodean Wandering Albatross

Mapping the Flight Path of Antipodean Albatross

Researchers are using GPS trackers to map where Antipodean Albatross flight paths overlap with longline fishing vessels to save the species. Albatross are known for their large wingspans and dynamic soaring, which allows them to coast over the ocean’s surface. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recognizes 22 species of Albatross, which are […]

Written by on March 23, 2020

Auckland Island: Conservation and Restoration

New conservation efforts on Auckland Island, New Zealand aim to restore native flora and fauna. The Sub-antarctic Islands of New Zealand have historically been home to a wide array of native seabirds and other wildlife that thrive off of the nutrient-rich waters. Auckland Island (46,000 Ha) is the fifth largest island in New Zealand. One of the leading threats to the species found here is introduction […]

Written by on February 15, 2019

The Clock is Ticking for Rare New Zealand Albatross

Extinction loomed for the Endangered Antipodes Island Wandering Albatross, but luckily conservationists have taken action. The Endangered Antipodes Island Wandering Albatross will be functionally extinct (meaning that mating pair numbers will be so low there is no chance of their species survival) in the next 20 years if the population continues to decline. This rare […]

Written by on April 12, 2018

Revisiting Antipodes Island

After 18 long months, the wait is finally over. A team is heading back to Antipodes Island to discover the outcome of the Million Dollar Mouse project. Million Dollar Mouse is one of the largest-ever attempts to eradicate mice anywhere in the world. Mice can be voracious predators, and with Antipodes Island being internationally recognised […]

Written by on February 19, 2018

Scientific American Features NZ’s Predator Free 2050 Project

Scientific American features Nature article about NZ’s project: Predator Free 2050.  New Zealand’s first invasive rat eradication took place on a one-hectare island in 1963. Half a century of experience and accumulated wisdom later, the country is rolling out Predator Free 2050, a plan to remove all invasive rats, possums, and stoats by 2050. Invasive […]

Written by on January 26, 2017